Saturday, October 20, 2007

I'm not a quitter!

A bit behind? I think so!!

Allow me to give the quick and most recent update of my I'm sure the storybook length of the time passed since my last post is of little interest!

I was offered a "recruiting clerk" position at the US Census Bureau about a month ago...which I eagerly took, since I had not heard anything back about the position at Fayetteville State University I had applied for over 3 weeks earlier. I assumed they had found someone else to fulfill the position. I went in for training on a Friday...spent the morning meeting my new co-workers, getting the royal tour, and devouring tons of information. Our boss sent us to lunch at 12:30...and just as I was walking out the phone rang. I didn't recognize the number, but answered it anyway. Low and behold...FSU was on the other end, officially offering me the position of Administrative Assistant in the Business and Economics Department. The coversation (on my end) went something like this:

"You've got to be kidding me! I just started a new job this morning! I can't believe this. I can't go back and quit after I've just begun! That's not the type of person I am! much are you offering again? And that includes benefits? When can I start????"

Sooooo....that was funny....and awkward! I spent my lunch break running over to FSU to sign my contract, and then got back to the US Census Bureau to quit. How embarassed I was doing that! They were really sweet about it...but I know they had to have put my name on a "DO NOT CALL" list. Haha...oh well.

The downside is that there were complications with figuring out which budget my position would come out of...and it took them about a month to get it worked out! So I just began working there this past Friday. The other downside is that I missed the last pay period by one day....and won't recieve my first check until December 15th. Ugh! So in order to maintain my bills....I'm staying on 5 nights a week at Red least for the next 8 weeks. So now I have a "professional, career-oriented" job 8-5, Monday-Friday, and a job that requires you to only be 17 years of ago every night (except Wed. and Sundays!) from 5-11:30pm. And a life? noticed I don't have time for that, too, right??!!

In other news...I have been dating a guy from church for the past 3 months. I have chosen not to mention him in my former posts...just in case you were wondering if you missed something! However...2 days ago he found out that he had to have emergency brain surgery today at Walter Reed hospital from an injury he sustained after jumping out of a plane (while in the army) a year a half ago. Given my new job and financial status, I was unable to travel there to be with him, and was a total wreck all day yesterday! He was flown by helicopter to the hospital this morning, where a doctor he had never met was going to perform a relatively new surgery over a nerve-wracking 5 hour time period. Allow me to reiterate how impatient I can be at times! And today was one of those days! I spent the entire time trying to keep myself busy (which wasn't too hard when I was scheduled at work)...but continuously checked my phone every 15 minutes. The doctor was given my phone number (along with his parents) to call if anything went wrong. So no news was good news! Around 8:40pm, I saw I had a voicemail and sprinted to the back of the restaurant to see who it was from. How could I have missed it?? I was shocked to see the call had come from his cell phone, and he left a message saying that he was doing fine and the doctor had said the surgery went well. Whew. I think I relaxed for the first time in 3 days when I heard that. I talked to his mother a few minutes later, and called to give my own parents the update. I was able to talk to him later in the night and find out a few more details of how things had gone. He sounds great, and I'm so relieved that everything went well. The doctor is actually releasing him sooner than we thought...and I'll have the pleasure of taking care of him in his home. So when I'm not at either job...I'm pretty sure I'll be playing doctor for the next couple weeks! Who needs sleep????

Okay...that's all for now, folks! Other than the fact that I've gone to the gym and worked out 5 times this week....yay me!


Little Dutch Girl said...

I'm so glad you've finally posted an update.. it was time!!

I love and miss you chika!!

Anonymous said...

heeey, first of all: wow working out 5 times a week...good for you!!

Glad everything went ok with his surgery! I've been praying for you guys!

Good luck with all the hard work in the next weeks!

I'll talk to you soon!!

Love ya!
