Friday, June 29, 2007

Guitar Hero Champ I just have to brag for a moment. Last night, I went out to dinner with a guy named Anthony, and two of his co-workers. They decided we should eat at a restaurant called "Champs". This particular restaurant is kind a sports bar, with TVs placed throughout the whole restaurant...some channels on baseball, others on soccer. Anyway...we sat down, and noticed gameboxes to play on. On several of the TVs, there was a trivia game you could play against each other. So we all got a gamebox and began playing. It didn't take long before I began feeling good about myself as I got triple the amount of points as Anthony did. He decided shortly thereafter that we should switch to playing "Texas Hold 'Em" that he could show off his skills. While I'm not the best at that game, either...I've played it a time or two. So the three of us (Brandon, Anthony, and I) begin playing poker together. I quietly chuckled as my bluffing skills scared these guys into folding their cards and handing over the money they had already placed in bets. Before I knew it, I had robbed them both. It was all I could do to keep from laughing at my luck! As if creaming them both at 2 games wasn't bad enough....

We noticed that there was an Xbox "Guitar Hero" competition scheduled for 9pm. There was a host looking for people to sign up. Never in my life have I played such a game! I got the host to sign Brandon and Anthony up (despite their strong desire NOT to)....laughing the whole time. I thought it was hilarious! Their manhood was in question after being horribly defeated by a GIRL on two other I thought it would help make up for it, if they could show off their talent on a video game. However....the host noticed how much I was harassing both guys, and thought it would be a good idea to put my name on the list, as well. WHAT???!!! I can't do this...I don't play video games....nor have I ever played an instrument!!

Brandon went first....and got a score of over 24,000....with 76% accuracy on hitting the notes. Pretty good, we thought! First place winner would receive a $25 gift certificate to the at least our attempts weren't in vain! A couple other people played....not beating Brandon's score...before Anthony went. Anthony did worse than Brandon...but we were both supportive in cheering him on! LOL Soon enough, it was my turn. I had the game explained to me, and was given one practice round before playing for score. I about peed my pants when I saw that I was actually hitting the right notes. All I could hear was the bartender harassing Anthony behind me about how much better I was doing than him! It took everything I had not to lose concentration on the game to laugh! I ended up with a score of over 26,000, with a 90% accuracy on hitting the notes! I pulled in first place! Anthony and Brandon were not too happy with me...and I just couldn't stop laughing/smiling. It was too funny! It's not as though I planned or practiced this! Just happens to be that my hand/eye coordination is better than theirs! The host was giving everyone a second go-round to beat their first score...but Anthony made us leave before we got a second chance. He was too embarassed to go through it again! Neither of us really cared about the gift certificate....but now I'll never know if I would have won it or not!! I was content enough just knowing that I had schooled two men in 3 games that night. It couldn't have gone any better!! :)

Now I'm thinking of buying this game for home! Anyone want to challenge me??

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Simplicity of Life

Princess make me smile. :)

There's been many times I've thought about updating this thing...but I don't know what to say! I don't exactly get the chance to travel to France on the weekend....or fly to London for a few days anymore!! My life has been reduced to waitressing and church! I was, however, finally able to take the North Carolina teacher certification test on June 9. I sat next to a guy who had already failed it 5 times...and was on his sixth try!! That made me a bit nervous! The test took over 6 hours (2 parts) and was extremely now I'm just hanging out until the results come in on July 11.

So while I'm waiting for my future to start....I've just been working as much as possible! I usually go in everyday, whether I'm scheduled or not. I get too bored sitting at home! I've met all kinds of interesting people at work. Tonight, my last table was a really nice couple. The girl was telling me what a "catch" her boyfriend was.....that he was "cute, funny, nice, sweet...just perfect!". I responded with...."You haven't been together very long, have you???". Hahaha...they laughed...thankfully....and invited me to sit down as they told me their whole love story. It was a nice break from work, and they were both fun to talk to. Work is pretty much my entire social life. Sad, isn't it?

However...there is a couple at church that wants to set me up on a blind date. I've agreed to doing it in a group the four of us are supposed to meet up for dinner in the next week or two. It'll be my first blind date!!! I'll definitely let you know how that one goes. I'm not getting my hopes up on finding the love of my life...but it should be a good time, nonetheless!

Thursday, June 07, 2007


I thought I'd post a few pictures to represent my past two weeks...but I don't have all that much to say! I've just been working a lot...nothing too new or exciting to update on! I wrote in my last post about the 3 kids I kept while their parents were in China. Well here they are to the right...Caitlyn, Hunter and Cody. We were at Hunter's baseball game...which they won! On the left is me and Caitlyn in the bleachers eating a blue icee and cheering for Hunter! We made a good team. :) But I'm glad that's over...they about wore me out!

Saturday, I'm on standby to take the North Carolina teacher certification test. I'm a bit nervous about it...but if I'm able to get in, I think it'll be okay. It sure would be nice to have that out of the way!
My sister got in safely yesterday morning, and I've been having a ball with Eric! He's so big! But I'm working on becoming his favorite aunt, so much quality time is being spent with him right now. :)
And randomly...I was driving one day and saw that there was actually a lane for bikes! I found this sooo amusing, so I took a picture for all my Dutch friends. I miss the bike lanes in the Netherlands! Now...although there WAS a bike lane in this particular area...there were no bikes!! Haha...go figure...
My life is pretty boring right now! Anyone want to come for a visit?