Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Simplicity of Life

Princess Charming...you make me smile. :)

There's been many times I've thought about updating this thing...but I don't know what to say! I don't exactly get the chance to travel to France on the weekend....or fly to London for a few days anymore!! My life has been reduced to waitressing and church! I was, however, finally able to take the North Carolina teacher certification test on June 9. I sat next to a guy who had already failed it 5 times...and was on his sixth try!! That made me a bit nervous! The test took over 6 hours (2 parts) and was extremely difficult....so now I'm just hanging out until the results come in on July 11.

So while I'm waiting for my future to start....I've just been working as much as possible! I usually go in everyday, whether I'm scheduled or not. I get too bored sitting at home! I've met all kinds of interesting people at work. Tonight, my last table was a really nice couple. The girl was telling me what a "catch" her boyfriend was.....that he was "cute, funny, nice, sweet...just perfect!". I responded with...."You haven't been together very long, have you???". Hahaha...they laughed...thankfully....and invited me to sit down as they told me their whole love story. It was a nice break from work, and they were both fun to talk to. Work is pretty much my entire social life. Sad, isn't it?

However...there is a couple at church that wants to set me up on a blind date. I've agreed to doing it in a group setting...so the four of us are supposed to meet up for dinner in the next week or two. It'll be my first blind date!!! I'll definitely let you know how that one goes. I'm not getting my hopes up on finding the love of my life...but it should be a good time, nonetheless!


Little Dutch Girl said...

Well that means YOU would be able to come see ME in Texas=D...

no excuses;)

Love you

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

about this blind date thing... Is he Dutch by any chance..??

Love ya!