Monday, December 18, 2006

Whoa baby!!!

Right now...right this sister is in labor with my nephew in Germany!!! AAAhhhhh...I'm so excited and nervous and helpless!! Even though I'm the only person in my family to live in the same CONTINENT as her, I can do nothing more than wait for updates!!

She was/is more than 40 weeks pregnant, and her water broke at 2:30am (western European time). It's now 12 hours later, and she is only 4 1/2 cm dialated. Last update (30 min ago) was that she had an epideral and is trying to sleep.

I didn't expect to be this anxious! I'm about to be an aunt! Aunty Amber. Sounds good, right???


Little Dutch Girl said...

Heey Auntie Amber!!!

It sounds really good=D

Love ya,,

Have a great time in the US and A =D


Anonymous said...

YAY! Its over, Eric is here, and you'll soon meet your little nephew. Exciting isn't it?! congrats to you!

Anonymous said...

woah, I'm behind in the world. congratulations!