Tuesday, November 11, 2008


As a follow-up to my last email, none of the things we had "hoped" to accomplish (AKA PLANNED) actually happened yesterday. Planning in my life is meaningless. I refuse to do it anymore. *sigh*

Anyway...Kara posted on my last entry that she wanted to see a picture of the dress I bought, and I've already gotten the same request from other people. So since Chris doesn't read my blog, I feel fairly comfortable just posting the link to the dress I bought. Apparently white washes me out, so I ended up buying a "champagne" colored dress....which I happen to think is absolutely gorgeous. Obviously...or I wouldn't have bought it on the spot last Friday! Don't feel obligated to make positive comments if you don't like it...I don't track who reads my blog, and I would prefer sincere compliments, as opposed to forced ones. :D


Don't forget to check out the back of the dress!


Kara Scharrer said...

OH MY GOODNESS! OH MY GOODNESS! OH MY GOODNESS! It is BEAUTIFUL! I absolutely LOVE the color and the design and EVERYthing!!!! I am so excited for you! And I can't wait to see it on you... hopefully I'll be able to make it to the wedding! I may have a baby hanging off my breast, but I've been telling Erik that I'm going, no matter what!!!

What colors are you thinking about doing for the wedding?!

faith4jesus247 said...

Seriously...you would come out here for me??? AHHHHH...that just made my day! :D Date is May 16th...if you're serious about heading down south to NC!

Colors will be "champagne", "latte", with hints of peach and green, I believe. We want an outdoor wedding, and want to keep it simple, but have a long way to go with the details...*grumble*

Little Dutch Girl said...

Amber!! That dress is gorgeous!!!! You didn't take any pictures of you wearing it???

I miss you!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Amber!! That dress is really amazing!! How beautiful!

So, obviously I'm a little behind in reading the blog (boy, it was easier when you didn't know I was reading - I never would have left a comment back then!! ;)

I hope the planning is continuing to fall into place. And I agree, don't bother with any more schedules. I find they just tend to get in the way!! ;)
