Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Yesterday morning I had prepared myself breakfast, and was taking it into the living room to join my mom and sister. However, I stopped mid-way, at the stair, to make faces across the room to my nephew, who was sitting on the floor and playing. Focusing more on making Eric laugh, than what I was doing myself....I completely missed the step and fell down. Hard. Thankfully, I saved my breakfast from falling on the floor. Haha! However, my body didn't appreciate me much for that. I was in a tremendous amount of pain. It felt as though I had twisted my left ankle, right knee, and bent all the toes on my right foot back!

A couple of hours and 2 Tylenol later, I realized that I had done more damage to my toes than anything else. Walking was not going so well. My sister looked at them, and concluded that I had broken at least one...if not two...of my toes. I wasn't really worried about the broken much as I was about the "oh no...I have to work tonight!". I've never called out of work before...I wasn't going to do it now! So Charity taped my toes together (saying she had done this many times before for her husband) and I kept my leg up. I put on my work shoes 3 hours before I was supposed to go into work, just to make sure I could wear them. It hurt. But I was sitll planning on going into work anyway. I could do it!

Haha...yeah right. God had other plans for me. 2 hours before I was supposed to go into work, I got a call from a co-worker needing hours, and wondering if he could take my shift for the night. How crazy is that?? I gladly gave him my shift...knowing I would never make it through the night if I went in....but happy I didn't have to call out! So I spent the rest of the night, with my foot propped up, watching movies. Rather boring...but probably necessary. Today they feel a bit better...I'm getting around okay, anyway!

And while I thought I would get my test results seems the mailman forgot to put them in the mailbox. So hopefully they'll come tomorrow. I'll let you know as soon as I do!


Anonymous said...

heey, you're starting to look like me :P Is your foot better today? Hope so!!

Let me know when you get the mail!!

LOve ya!

Anonymous said...

Amber Dear, I am so sorry about your fall. I do know that when you fall really, really hard!

I have been thinking about you lots lately. Maybe it's because the school year is just around the corner.

lots of love from me to you,

Little Dutch Girl said...

Heey Chika!!

I'm sorry to hear you fell down!!

Let me know if you hear anything..

Love you